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DineDelish - Los Angeles Food Loving Food Blogger Eats LA - Page 9

Snyder Diamond Sweepstakes

June 20, 2013

Snyder Diamond and WOLF are celebrating the summer with this awesome sweepstakes. Like the page and enter to win a WOLF BBQ grill http://bit.ly/14hpERm. Visit them at http://snyderdiamond.com/. The complete outdoor kitchen delivers everything you’d expect from WOLF – except the walls. Gas grills, charcoal smokers, and electric smokers raise the sacred art of barbecue […]

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8th Annual LA Wine Fest – Hollywood’s Historic Raleigh Studios

June 17, 2013

The LA Wine Fest on June 8 & 9 was a pleasure to attend. Taking place at Hollywood’s Historic Raleigh Studios, the event venue was expansive and fun. Dr. Joel M. Fisher founded the LA Wine Fest in 2005. This marks the 8th Annual LA Wine Fest, serving over 500 wines and spirits. If unlimited […]

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Carnegie Deli (Mirage) – Let’s do the Woody Allen

June 14, 2013

Founded in 1937, Carnegie Deli is a New York landmark. Fortunately, I don’t have to travel to the east coast to enjoy one other their sandwiches. Lucky for me, there is one located right in Las Vegas at the Mirage Resort. Melding with the casino floor, and not being very big, there was a small […]

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Playground – Where Chef Jason Quinn Goes to Play

June 10, 2013

The Playground, a small gastropub in Santa Ana is in it with the rest of them. It seems like Santa Ana’s Art District is attracting a lot of new chefs and restaurants, but The Playground is a bit different. Jason Quinn, the head chef and owner started with The Lime Truck. Winning in The Great […]

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Salo Salo – Lechon is All I Need

June 4, 2013

Most people don’t appreciate Filipino food enough. Of all the Asian cuisine, Filipino food is the most underrated, and for me, is one of my favorites and my least favorites. I know that makes little sense, but bear with it. As Korean, Thai, Chinese, and Japanese food all have their signature items, so does Filipino […]

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OC Weekly’s Summer Fest

May 28, 2013

OC Weekly proudly invites you to the 2013 Summer Fest, presented by the Surfrider Foundation & Finlandia Vodka, on Sunday, June 9, 2013 from 11am to 5pm at Newport Dunes! This event joins together live musical performances, local retailers, contests, games, prizes, outdoor activities, and a day full of fun! I am totally gana be […]

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Jagerhaus – Das Schnitzel

May 24, 2013

German’s are known for many things, but food, I think, isn’t one of them. Every time I go to Disneyland and exit Ball Road, I see Jagerhaus on the corner of my eye. I always wanted to try it, and ever since I saw their huge slabs of jager schnitzel and ham hocs online, I […]

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Peppermill – A Ten Egg Omelet and Water that Makes Fire

May 19, 2013

Peppermill Restaurant is amazing and it’s such a unique place. One section of the restaurant is a lounge, called the Fireside lounge. Inside is a bar and seating area for drinks and food. In the middle sits a fire pool where guests can gather and sit around. Neon lights are everywhere. On the main dining […]

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Kobawoo House – Koreatown’s Bossam

May 13, 2013

What can I say about Koreatown? In fact, what good things can I say about Koreatown? I can’t really think of anything, sadly. It’s dirty, over populated, and it’s pretty much the “New Jersey” of Los Angeles. As a Korean American, I grew up eating and breathing Koreatown. My parents, like almost all Koreans, do […]

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Tommy Bahama’s Island Grille – Not Just a Clothing Store Anymore

May 7, 2013

I’m not a retired old man, nor am I rich. Tommy Bahama clothing represents just that. Old male clothing, preferably rich, relaxing at a beach or island somewhere, and preferably of which you own, thats what I think of Tommy Bahama. Never in a million years would I associate this with a restaurant or bar. […]

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La Cave (Wynn) – Wine and Food Hideaway

May 3, 2013

The Wynn and Encore are some of my favorite properties in Las Vegas. Their elegant styling with classic and luxurious design cues all make for a perfect resort. Walking into SW Steakhouse with no reservation, I realized I was being too optimistic. Reservations is a must at SW — lesson learned. Scratching that idea, our […]

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Pizzeria Mozza – Burrata So Fine, Sausage So Nice

May 1, 2013

I remember whan I was a kid, pizza was my favorite food. When I spoke of pizza as a kid, I meant the every day Dominoes delivery kind of pizza — the kind that my childhood idol, Michaelangelo from TMNT liked. As an adult now, my pizza pallate has evolved into something more. Before, the […]

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The Hat (Alhambra) – OG Pastrami

April 24, 2013

To me, The Hat is that place that I remember most. As I mentioned in my blog about The Hat in Monterey Park, it is one of the first food items I remember as a child. Stuff like that is powerful. I’m not talking about remembering my first happy meal or cheeseburger from Mc Donald’s. […]

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Izakaya Honda-Ya – Fullerton’s Very Own

April 20, 2013

When I think of Honda-Ya, I think of Yakitori. When I think of Yakitori, I think of snacks. No meal was eaten on a stick. Never! That is unless you get a lot of grilled meats on a stick, and maybe some rice, and other small items. Yeah, then that can be a meal. Honda-Ya […]

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C & O Cucina – Carbo-Load at the Beach

April 14, 2013

Is it just me or is Italian food the ultimate comfort food? You got carbs galore from pasta and pizza dough, and with melted cheese or sauce on top of all that, it’s the ultimate “good feeling” food. Though this will mean more time at the gym, sometimes pasta and bread is all a guy […]

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Gordon Ramsey Steak (Paris) – Through the English Channel

April 9, 2013

We all know Gordon Ramsey. The ill tempered celebrity chef from England made a name for himself. When I think of him, he isn’t smiling or laughing. I think of angry eyes, wrinkles on the forehead, and fire coming out of his mouth. That imagery to me, is more laughable than scary. But truly, Gordon […]

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Langer’s Delicatessen – No. 19

April 1, 2013

It all started in 1947, with just 12 seats. It survived through the recession and survived the rough neighborhood of Westlake on the corner of 7th and Alvorado. With the subway station and Mac Arthur Park just adjacent to it, the restaurant get all kinds of customers. Today, this restaurant is a Los Angeles destitantion […]

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Duke’s Huntington Beach – Sunday Brunch on a…Sunday

March 24, 2013

To me, Sunday is all about going to church. A close second is Sunday Brunch. At Duke’s in Huntington Beach, brunch is king. Eating glutonous amounts of food after church seems a little hypocritical, but brunch is a different story. And remember, you are on a food blog, not a religioun blog. Brunch is more […]

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Ladybug Fortune Cookie Company

March 23, 2013

Ladybug Fortune Cookie Company was nice enough to send me some of these amazing fortune cookies. To me, a fortune cookie is a folded up cookie with a message inside. Ladybug Fortune Cookie takes it up to the next level. Theirs is dipped, decorated, and yours to enjoy. They offer some awesome flavors like chocolate […]

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Lazy Ox Canteen – Downtown / Little Tokyo’s Very Own Gastropub

March 20, 2013

Lazy Ox Canteen was on my radar for a while. Any time I was in Downtown or in Little Tokyo, I always had Lazy Ox in the back of my mind. Luckily, it was food blogger appreciation week at the restaurant, and the owner invited me and a guest for some food. Though I realize […]

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