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DineDelish - Los Angeles Food Loving Food Blogger Eats LA - Page 8

2013 LAFW Duff Goldman Cooking Demo

September 23, 2013

Meeting Duff Goldman throughout the LA Food & Wine Festival, I was excited to see him in the last and final event. He showed us how to make Bananas Foster. The event started off quite interestingly. I don’t know if he was killing time, or just in a silly mood, but Duff started telling us […]

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2013 LA Food & Wine – Lexus Grand Tasting

September 11, 2013

The LA Food and Wine Grand Tasting, to me, is the cream of the crop. Not only do you have some of the finest chefs showcasing their food, but there isn’t a theme attached to it. This means that chefs have free rein on what they want to cook. The 3rd Annual LA Food & […]

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LA Food & Wine 2013 – Giada’s Festa Italiana

September 4, 2013

Giada De Laurentiis. Thomas Keller. Scott Conant. Duff Goldman. These are just a few of the celebrity chefs that made it to the Italian based LA Food and Wine event. Taking place on Grand in downtown, the outside air and the sunset silhouette of the downtown skyline was spectacular. The most spectacular booth was that […]

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LA Times: The Taste 2013

August 28, 2013

Last weekend was the Los Angeles Food & Wine Festival. This weekend is the Los Angeles Times food and wine event, The Taste. Check out last years event coverage here. This year, their event starts Friday, August 30th and ends on Sunday, September 1st. Join some of the greatest restaurants and see what they have […]

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Bachi Burger – Oxtail Fries, and Something Called the Ronin

August 23, 2013

Is it? Is it the best burger in Las Vegas? On the strip, you are definitely not going to find the best burger in Las Vegas. Trust me. I tried looking — this means I spent a lot of cash paying for subpar burgers. Luckily, just before you hit Vegas on the 15, exiting East […]

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Bestia – I Take on the Beast for my 29th Birthday

August 21, 2013

I went to Bestia for my 29th birthday. My fiancĂ©’ asked me where I wanted to go for my birthday. Instead of the boring, but oh so yummy steak house, I wanted something lively, fun, and delicious. I didn’t care about the waiters coming around every second filling the water. I didn’t care about a […]

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Alta Coffee – Newport Beach’s Home Away From Home

August 16, 2013

The best place to have breakfast is near the water. It is and has been a long time dream of mine to live near the water. I imagine waking up Saturday morning, walking or riding a bike with my family to our local cafe. The cafe wouldn’t necessarily over look the ocean, but it would […]

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The Spice Table – Four Courses, and all I Want is the Kaya Toast

August 7, 2013

The Spice Table was on my radar last year, and I was fortunate to have finally eaten here. Thanks to Dine LA, I had a chance to try a lot of their items. Bryant Ng, chef and owner of The Spice Table explores his Singaporean roots with traditional dishes. Arguably one of the best new […]

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Ellis Island Casino & Brewery – A Pauper Meal Fit for a King

August 5, 2013

You got to love Las Vegas. As much as you can find the high end of things, you can equally find the lower end. When I say lower end, I don’t mean cheap as in quality — I am talking about bargains. Lost a lot of money on one of those rigged slot machines? Highly […]

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Din Tai Fung – Perfection in the form of Xiao Long Bao

August 3, 2013

Like most good restaurants, Din Tai Fung has humble beginnings. In 1958, Bingyi Yang and his wife, workers of a former oil company decided to start their own oil business. After much hardships and trying to make their business grow, they expanded in the 1980s by selling steamed dumplings. Word got out of their delicious […]

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La Grande Orange Cafe – Bacon Optional

August 1, 2013

It was a Monday night. I wasn’t in the mood for anything loud or crazy. I wanted something mellow and quiet. My old age has brought me to La Grande Orange Cafe in Pasadena — a somewhat under the radar, though not a hole in the wall restaurant, that is a bit on the boring […]

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Piccolo Venice – Truffle this and Wagyu that

July 29, 2013

Piccolo was an awesome experience. Thanks to Dine LA, going for a multiple course experience was a must. I saw some amazing dishes that included truffle this and wagyu that — I had to splurge and go here. To celebrate Melanie and my 4 year anniversary, and of course to eat good food, this was […]

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Mastro’s Ocean Club – High End Steak at a Food Court

July 24, 2013

Mastro’s to me is just another steak house. Just like Fleming’s or Morton’s and Ruth’s Chris, Morton’s offers a very classic steak restaurant. Visiting Vegas, I made a decision I shouldn’t have made. Not to say that going to Matro’s Ocean Club inside the Shops At Crystals was a mistake or a bad experience. I […]

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Crossroads – A Rant by a Voracious Carnivore

July 22, 2013

Have you ever been tricked by a restaurant? I have. Many times actually. Though I wouldn’t say Crossroads, the all vegan Mediterranean restaurant duped me, I felt like I did. (I don’t have anything against those who are vegan, or those who have dietary needs of gluten free foods. I don’t want to offend anyone […]

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Mohawk Bend – Echo Park Doing a Complete 180

July 18, 2013

Echo Park is getting there. In the past years, the sub city has been making strides to beautify and clean up the mess. Echo Park in the 80’s and 90’s was terrifying. As a child, I remember visiting my grandparents who lived in Echo Park. Those were some rough memories, but still fun. Today, the […]

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LA Rose Cafe – Breakfast and Lunch All in One

July 14, 2013

When it comes to Filipino food, there isn’t much selection in Los Angeles. Though more than most cities, my go to Filipino restaurants are slim to none. You have Max’s, though very much a chain, still produce pretty good fried chicken and traditional dishes. One little gem I found in Hollywood is LA Rose Cafe. […]

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Bouchon Bakery (Beverly Hills) – Assortment of Things

July 8, 2013

Bouchon is an Icon. Having been to the restaurant in Las Vegas and in Los Angeles, and the bakery at the Venetian, going to the bakery in Los Angeles was on my final to do list. Not that anything is different, but the conqueror of all food in me wanted to just go. Directly below […]

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Farmer Boys – Now that’s a Clean Burger

July 5, 2013

It seems to me that fast food isn’t really covered on my blog enough. For the sake of just having it on record, we can all agree that In-N-Out is the best fast food around, and possibly the best burger for your buck. Now, when it comes to burgers, and you want freshly made burgers […]

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Bacchanal Buffet (Caesar’s Palace) – Newest and Greatest?

June 28, 2013

Las Vegas is changing all the time. It’s always out with the old, in with the new. It is always best to be the newest and the hottest in Vegas. You always need to reinvent yourself. Caesar’s Palace is one place where thought it is an old property compared to the rest, it keeps it […]

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Osteria Mamma – Food and Family

June 21, 2013

What better way to bring family together than with food? More specifically, what’s better than Italian food to bring the family together? It was my cousin’s birthday and my other cousins were back in town for a little visit. Perfect time for a family gathering over food! Growing up, all I had were my cousins. […]

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