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DineDelish - Los Angeles Food Loving Food Blogger Eats LA - Page 23

Santa Anita Park Food Truck Fest 2011 – Wait…Pay…Eat…and Repeat

April 4, 2011

What an event this was.  If you are a food truck lover, you definitely missed out.  Santa Anita Park hosted the event, and held nearly 80 trucks of all sorts.  Asian fusion, Mexican, Cajun, American, desserts, you name it.  They had it all! Upon arriving at the race track, I was a bit discouraged from […]

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Union Station – Truckit Fest

April 2, 2011

Do you know who Phillip Dane is?  Well he is responsible for the L.A. Flea Market at Dodgers Stadium and the Fairfax High Flea Market in Hollywood.  For us foodies, he created Truckit Fest.  Union Station will be the location on the first Sunday of every month.  That means, they will be having one on […]

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San Gabiel Valley Food Truck Fest – No Joke!

March 31, 2011

Its the first Friday of the month. That means only one thing — The San Gabriel Food Truck Fest is on!  It’s not joke, even though it falls on April Fools.  Check them out at their regular spot at Speedzone in Industry, CA.  $5 for entry ($4 game card included).  If my math is correct, […]

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Santa Anita Park Food Truck Festival

(April 2, 2011)

March 29, 2011

This is a big one.  Santa Anita Park is having a Food Truck Festival Saturday, April 2, 2011.  Enjoy choosing from 80 different gourmet food trucks!  Wow, that’s a lot.  It will be held on the infield from 11:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.  There will be live entertainment and lots of activities.  Entrance to the […]

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Kogi BBQ – Gourmet Food Truck Pioneer

March 29, 2011

Food trucks are a dime a dozen these days. Los Angeles has the most food trucks and the most unique ones. It all started with the Kogi Truck. Chef Roy Choi along with other founders started this food truck. Their over 80,000 loyal twitter followers track their every move (@kogibbq). Currently, they operate 4 trucks […]

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The Bengal Barbecue – Disneyland

March 27, 2011

I can honestly say that it is impossible to have a good meal at Disneyland.  I don’t blame the them — thousands and thousands go there every day.  The truth is, “The Happiest Place on Earth” doesn’t have a decent place to eat.  Well that sucks, if people can’t have a good meal, how can […]

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Habana – Cuban Cuisine in Costa Mesa

March 24, 2011

Costa Mesa has a place called The Lab — It is an “anti-mall”.  What the heck is an “anti-mall”?  Anyways, they have a dance club, places to shop like Urban Outfitters, and most importantly, places to dine.  Habana for instance, a Cuban restaurant, is situated in The Lab, and is in the center of it […]

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March 23, 2011

As you may or may not know, I don’t really enjoy writing about chains.  Whats the point when it’s not unique to Los Angeles and scattered through out the country?  Zpizza is special, tasty, and all organic — and though there are many locations around the United states, zpizza is definitely something unique to Southern […]

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Downtown Brea Farmer’s Market

March 22, 2011

As a lover of fresh food, I love farmers markets.  The diversity of fruits and vegetables, interesting snacks and unique flavors all come in play when you are at the farmer’s market.  Nothing is processed — it goes right from the grower to the consumer and is all organic. I was walking in downtown Brea […]

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Improv = Food + Comedy

March 21, 2011

What is better than eating, drinking, and laughing?  At the Improv Comedy Club, you can do just that.  I had the chance to watch Pablo Fransico this weekend.  Despite his tired impressions and disappointing performance, the food was good as always at the Improv. I often go to the Improv to get a good laugh.  […]

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Oki-Dog, World Famous

March 18, 2011

World famous you say?  It’s not quite gourmet, nor is it really a classy place to go for a first date — Possibly not classy enough for the next 10 dates.  Before I come off as sounding too snobby, I want to say that this quirky little restaurant is actually famous. Well it is popular […]

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OC Food Truck Fair Thursdays

March 17, 2011

The OC Fair & Event Center is home of the annual OC Fair and will bring you Food Truck Fare Thursdays. It is to be held every Thursday at the OC Fair & Event Center.  It will bring a variety of gourmet food trucks that will change weekly. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free parking and admission.  And […]

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Niko Niko Sushi

March 15, 2011

It is lent season, and a lot of people gave something up. For those who gave up red meat, it is not a problem because there is always sushi. I can safely say, that I love sushi — it is my favorite food. There are two things that sushi needs to be, fresh and tasty. […]

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Barbecue My Meat!

March 13, 2011

In sunny Southern California, we have the pleasure of nice warm weather nearly everyday, at any time of day.  This calls for BBQs every Sunday and a relaxing time dining outside.  I had the pleasure to host a birthday BBQ dinner for a buddy of mine.  On the menu?  Meat, junk food, and beer of […]

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Los Angeles Farmer’s Market

March 8, 2011

It’s that time — Mardi Gras.  It is Fat Tuesday today, and that means only one thing.  You eat what you want, and eat a lot of it.  You eat anything and everything to the point of almost being sinful.  A sort of “last hurrah” before the lent season.  There is no other place to […]

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SGV Food Truck Fest!

March 6, 2011

The San Gabriel Valley is due fora food truck fest. Most food trucks done make its way here. Usually they just hang around Los Angeles or somewhere in Orange County. Its refreshing to have something for the people in the middle. The people at SGV Food Truck will be holding a festival every first Friday […]

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South West Regional Barista Competition

March 6, 2011

Coffee Bean hosted the South West Regional Barista Competition on March 5, 2011.  I had the chance to check out the continuation of Round 1 at Siren Studios in Hollywood.  Baristas were set in front of a panel of judges.  Competitors created creative mixtures of coffee drinks — the baristas battled it out. During the […]

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Noodle Planet – Easy Noodles, Easy

March 3, 2011

Everyone has their go to sushi restaurant or Chinese restaurant — I certainly have a go to Pho restaurant whether I am in Los Angeles, or Orange County.  Sometimes, choosing a place to eat isn’t that easy.  We all do the “narrowing down” game, and realize we are in the mood for Asian food, but […]

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Free Pancakes! (IHOP)

March 1, 2011

Get free pancakes! 7AM – 10PM at any participating IHOP restaurant.  They just ask for a small donation for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.  Hey, it’s for a good cause and it’s free pancakes — you can’t lose. Click here for the website for more details. Tweet

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Louie’s Pizza and Pasta (Universal Studios)

February 27, 2011

I am not a fan of dining at theme parks.  They are usually over priced and uninspired, for obvious reasons.  I may have been hungry and tired from all the walking, but something about Louie’s Pizza and Pasta at Universal Studios struck me as something really tasty. This post will be only on the pizza.  […]

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