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DineDelish - Los Angeles Food Loving Food Blogger Eats LA - Page 22

Tasty Garden – Top 10 by Los Angeles Magazine

May 3, 2011

Monterey Park has a large Chinese population.  Fortunately, that means there are a lot of great Chinese restaurants to choose from. At the newly built Atlantic Times Square, a lot of Chinese restaurants popped up, and one in particular is the mini chain, Tasty Garden.  The Alhambra location was ranked #7 in Los Angeles Magazine’s […]

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Vons/VNS Chicken – Not the Supermarket Either

May 2, 2011

So how did I come across this chicken?  It all started at work.  My friend had brought some from home.  I had a bite, and I was amazed.  The chicken was so juicy and flavorful — not an ounce of dryness.  The score marks on the drum stick made it easy to eat.  This chicken […]

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Love Letter Pizza and Chicken – Dear Deliciousness

April 30, 2011

Remember when you were a kid and you loved pizza.  Heck, you probably still do.  Everyone likes the pizza, but hates the crust.  I don’t know about you, but I was one of those kids that ate the good part, and threw the crust back into the pizza box. Before you shake your head at […]

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AhnJoo Truck – Food Network Star Cooks Up Korean Grub

April 28, 2011

As a Korean American, I love Korean food.  I ate it growing up, and it gives me a sense of home when I eat it. I was excited that the AhnJoo Truck was going to be at the Santa Anita Food Festival, and it was my first stop. AhnJoo is something of a snack or […]

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Lobsta Truck – My First Lobster Roll Rolls Into Town

April 26, 2011

Living in Los Angeles, I rarely have the opportunity to have Lobster Rolls. In fact, I never had a lobster roll in my life.  Shocking!  It’s more of an east coast thing anyways, right?  I mean, it’s lobster. When I think of lobster, and lobster rolls, I think of states like Maine or east coast […]

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Rutabegorz – Earth Day on Good Friday, A Vegetarian Meal for a Carnivore

April 23, 2011

It was Good Friday yesterday.   It was also Earth Day.  That meant no beef, no chicken, no pork.  Shucks.  This also meant no driving to work, recycling all of your trash, and free coffee at Starbucks.  Though I didn’t walk to work, I did eat at Rutabegorz.  These guys are serious about going green.  […]

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Litz Restaurant – Singaporean for a Change

April 22, 2011

My cousin and I had planned on having lunch on Saturday.  It was refreshing, as I don’t ever see him or hang out with him enough.  I called him around noon — no answer.  I got a text from him shortly after, telling me that he is hung over, and feels horrible.  I wasn’t quite […]

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California Fish Grill – White Ruffy for not a lot of Green

April 21, 2011

Fish is my favorite food.  No wait…  I can’t do that to my beloved beef — the perfect marriage of fat and meat, cooked to a medium rare, with juices dripping everywhere.   But Sashimi is my favorite food, and that’s fish.  Hmm.  I am caught in a dilemma here.  I may retract this statement in […]

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Cook’s Tortas – Bringing the Sandwich Out of its Shadow

April 20, 2011

I am writing about the unpopular kid at school.  He yearns to be noticed amongst the populous, but can never compete with the popular kids at school.  It’s not that he is lesser than his peers — he just needs to be given a chance.  Often times, the torta lives under the shadow of the […]

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Meet n’ Potatoes – Meat n’ Potatoes n’ Tomatoes

April 19, 2011

A food truck selling sandwiches?  How easy is that?  My mom can make sandwiches. Even my 8 year old son (if I had one) could make a sandwich.  Just meat and cheese between two slices of bread right?  Yup, that would indeed be a sandwich.  But the questions is, how good is that sandwich? Not […]

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Cafe Xpress – A Vegetarian Meal for a Carnivore

April 18, 2011

This cafe was a new addition to the Atlantic Times Square shopping center.  The food here is very casual, as is the atmosphere.  The inside was very clean (something you don’t see everyday in Chinese restaurants in Monterey Park).  They had flat screens everywhere which was good for days my Los Angeles Lakers play.  Prices […]

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Chomp Sushi and Tepan Grill – Get it Raw, Get it Not-Raw

April 15, 2011

Its a Friday night, and you live in Orange County.  And not the OC where you surf everyday and relax at the beach.  I am talking about Fullerton, downtown Fullerton to be exact.  It’s full of drunks and party goers on any given weekend.  And why wouldn’t it?  DTF is laced with bars and nightclubs, […]

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Vermon/Wilshire Station Farmers Market – Koreantown Going Organic

April 15, 2011

Who would have thought that Koreatown would be having a weekly farmers market?  I never knew, and I am happy there is one so close by.  I was going to the bank one day to get a check, and look what I stumbled upon.  A great little get together of local foods.  They have fresh […]

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Lunchy Lunch – Canned Meat Sandwiches

April 14, 2011

Meat is so delicious. Beef, chicken, bacon, fish, whatever. It is so good. Meat from a can though? Really? Well, I eat it. I know it’s not gourmet or anything, but that doesn’t mean its not good. Yeah, so I have a little guilty pleasure for Spam. Big whoop! I’m Asian, and I like my […]

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Buttermilk Truck – Breakfast on Wheels

April 12, 2011

It was a sunny weekend in Los Angeles, and I was driving down Sunset Boulevard.  I was minding my own business, two hands on the wheel, no cellphone in my hand.  Heading west, I saw a food truck in the corner of my peripheral vision.  It was the Buttermilk Truck!  Nobody can mistake that boy’s […]

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Pain du Monde – Beachside Bakery and Eats

April 10, 2011

So you are shopping at Fashion Island and you  get a little hungry.  You want something good and fast, but not fast food.  Maybe you want something from a bakery or cafe.  How about a sandwich maybe?  Something like Panera Bread or Corner Bakery, but not exactly that?  Well how fitting, because Fashion Island has […]

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Los Angeles Beer Fest 2011 – It is on!

April 8, 2011

The LA Beer Fest is here!  On Saturday, April 9, 2011 Sony Studios will host the event.  There will be food, music, and of course, BEER!  Look out for international and domestic beers as well as LA’s gourmet food trucks.  It will be from 12PM – 3PM and 5PM to 8PM.  As for that 2 […]

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Taste of Brea 2011 – April 8 (5PM – 9PM)

April 6, 2011

Brea is a small city on the outskirts of Orange County. Though small, it offers some great cuisine with fine restaurants. This Friday, April 6, 2011, they are holding a Taste of Brea to celebrate just that. The City of Brea, along with partnering restaurants will show off what that have to offer. $20 lets […]

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Dragon Beard Candy – No Shaving Cream Required

April 6, 2011

Upon reading the post title, you’re probably wondering what the heck this is.  Well, the story is, about 2000 years ago, the Emperor invented the Long Xutang candy.  He got maltose cut into sections and extracted them into fine filaments of thread-like candy and wrapped them together.  At the time, it was only served to […]

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King Taco (East LA)

April 5, 2011

I realized that none of my posts were on Mexican food.  It is way over due!  As for my first post on Mexican food, I give that honor to King Taco.  It is my go to spot for good and cheap tacos and burritos.  It’s close to where I live, and it is in the […]

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