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DineDelish - Los Angeles Food Loving Food Blogger Eats LA - Page 21

Heroes Bar & Grill – Monstrous Portions, Dinosaurs Welcome

May 26, 2011

Walking into Heroes, I was overwhelmed with all the decorations and busy-ness there was.  Lights stretched around the room, peanut shells on the floor, and walls full of anything.  I bet there could have been a picture of my face, penciled in fake mustache and all, and I’m sure I would have missed it. Just […]

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Blue Bayou – Pirates of the Caribbean Meets Cajun Creole (Disneyland)

May 25, 2011

I remember going to Disneyland when I was a kid.  One of my favorite rides was the Pirates of the Caribbean.  The cool robotic and realistic figures causing havoc in pirate land was so entertaining.  They just looked so real!  Drifting away deeper and deeper into the fake world of pirates, I couldn’t help but […]

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Manuel’s El Tepayac – Boyle Heights Does Authentic Mexican Food

May 24, 2011

Boyle Heights has been blessed by Manuel’s El Tepayac. Established in 1956, this is truly a historical restaurant to the community. They serve authentic Mexican food — not the street tacos and burritos kind, but the real home cooking Mexican food. I remember when I was a kid, I ate here with my family. The […]

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Frati Gelato – Cremoso Gelato Delizioso Italiano

May 23, 2011

Gelato, ice cream’s less fatty Italian cousin, is one of my favorite desserts. It is such a perfect ending to a great meal. It’s tasty, and has a lot less fat than ice cream. One of my favorite places to get gelato is Frati Gelato in Downtown Fullerton. Their signature flavor, Frate, is one of […]

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Angelo and Vinci’s Ristorante – Funk meets Delicious Italian

May 23, 2011

I want to start off by saying sorry about the pictures.  Let me explain.  Entering this place, I was a bit at awe.  Things here, things there, all in a weirdly lit restaurant.  Of course the one seat that was available was dark, and under a green fluorescent light.  Perfect setting for taking great pictures […]

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The Boiling Crab – Cajun Seafood With a Side of Napkins

May 20, 2011

I feel bad for those who are allergic to shellfish.  You can’t eat crab? lobster? shrimp? Wait, is shrimp considered a shellfish? I think so.  Anyways, I do feel bad for you, because that stuff is some of the best stuff the ocean has to offer. I love Boiling Crab — I also love to […]

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Bar Louie – Tots and a Flick

May 19, 2011

Bar Louie situated in Anaheim Garden Walk was an enjoyable time. Before our movie on the second floor, we wanted have a quick bite to eat (so that we won’t fill up on popcorn and candy).  What did we order?  Szechuan Wings, skirt steak, and tater tots. Everyone loves tater tots.  Eating theirs just reminded […]

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Lascari’s Italian Cusina – The Garlic Saves the Day

May 19, 2011

When I think of Italian cooking, I thing of pastas, pizzas, and even salads — I rarely think about sandwiches. When I found out that Lascari’s makes some good Italian sandwiches, I was excited. We started with some bread and butter.  They also gave us this garlic mash spread.  It was really good on top […]

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ChaCha’s Tacos & Tequila – Doin’ the ChaCha for Happy Hour

May 17, 2011

After finishing our movie, we needed to catch the basketball game! Should we just go home and watch it? Yardhouse? Naw. Right across the street, there it was. ChaCha’s. It was happy hour all day and we could not have been happier. The game was on, the sun was shining, but our team was losing. […]

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Scottie’s Smokehouse Barbecue – Saucey Sauce, Beefy Beef

May 13, 2011

Finding a good barbecue spot is really difficult.  Usually, I can hit up Lucille’s and my BBQ fix is pretty much met.  But the fact that one can get that BBQ anywhere, it doesn’t become something special.  When I walked into Scottie’s, it exuded a BBQ restaurant to its core. The beef ribs we had […]

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Sparky’s – Donuts & Doughnuts

May 12, 2011

Sparky’s.  Sounds like a dog grooming salon or some kind of dog accessory store.  This place is far from that.   They sell donuts!  It’s not just a regular donut shop, it’s THE donut shop if you ever were to visit Universal Studios, and is located in Universal City Walk.  For all those who aren’t from […]

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Sonic Drive-In – Rare Sweet Treat for an Angelino

May 11, 2011

Living in the Los Angeles area, I don’t get to enjoy the tasty treats of Sonic Drive-In.  I mean, they pour out commercials on TV.  Well, they used to anyway. I don’t understand why there would be Sonic commercials on locally broadcasted stations, yet, there’s none nearby.  The question of the hour is, Why aren’t […]

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Roscoe’s House of Chicken n’ Waffles – LA’s Favorite Breakfast for Lunch and Dinner

May 10, 2011

Remember Fresh Prince of Bel Air when Wil Smith would talk about Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles?  Did you watch the episode of No Reservations where Anthony Bourdain goes to Roscoe’s?  Heck, even Snoop Dogg took Larry King there on CNN. It is safe to say that Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles is popular amongst celebrities and […]

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Tapa Boy – Filipino Food Truck Hits Home

May 8, 2011

Filipino food is very special to me, and I love it.  Anything with meat and rice, I love. When I had the chance to try Tapa Boy, Filipino cuisine food truck, I jumped on it.  In all honesty, anything with meat and rice, I can eat it for days. That would be a big weakness […]

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Daikokuya – Japanese Ramen In My Own Backyard

May 6, 2011

Ever since I was a little boy, I made simple things at home.  My first dish would have been ramen.  Boil that water, put the packet in, crack an egg, and you got yourself “oodles of noodles”. That’s not really cooking is it.  I surely thought that it was home cookin’ — but I was […]

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Fullerton Farmers Market – Celebrating Cinco de Mayo with Food and Music

May 6, 2011

I just love farmers markets.  The fresh organic produce and everyone gathered in respect to good food just makes me happy inside.  I have been to my fare share of farmers markets, and Fullerton holds a pretty large one.  Today, the fifth of May, celebrates Cinco de Mayo. It commemorates the Mexican heritage and their […]

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The Hat – Pass the Pastrami & Gravy Please

May 5, 2011

What is in a perfect sandwich? Before you start scratching your head or making a pros and cons list, let me just tell you. It’s pastrami. Come on. It’s salty, fatty, and meaty. Perfect recipe for some good meat right? Pastrami sandwiches at The Hat is the way to go. At the Brea, CA should […]

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The Hat – Pastrami + Chili + Cheese + Fries = Yum

May 5, 2011

Pastrami is probably one of my favorite cured meats. Done right, it can sometimes even beat out bacon. Shocking, I know. That along with porchuto and pancheta, I feel that pastrami is so widely available, it has to be my favorite. I dream of a fantasy land in my head where pastrami, bacon, porchuto, and […]

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Taps Fish House & Brewery – Classic Seafood Dishes with Class

May 4, 2011

Fish is often the last thing people order at restaurants.  They usually order the beef or chicken, or even opt for something meatless like pasta.  Tap’s Fish House and Brewery specializes in seafood, and their fish is popular amongst the locals. Me and my girlfriend have been here for Sunday Brunch and Happy Hour, but […]

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Nom Nom Truck – Banh Mi Sandwich Race to your Hearts

May 3, 2011

The first time I had a banh mi sandwich, I was interested to know where these sandwiches were all my life. For those who do not know what these wonderful sandwiches are, let me attempt to explain. Banh mi is a traditional Vietnamese sandwich. Proteins include chicken, pork, ham, or other variations of deli meat. […]

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