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DineDelish - Los Angeles Food Loving Food Blogger Eats LA - Page 20

Mochilato – Great Gelato, Even Better Mochi

July 2, 2011

Mochilato is gelato inside of mochi.  You’ve seen mocihi ice cream at the stores, but this one takes it a step further and uses gelato.  Whoever thought of these things is a genius.  The mochi around the gelato keeps everything clean with your fingers — it is all in a nice little package. Think of […]

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Lucille’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Que – Chain Smoking Up Some Good Eat’n

July 2, 2011

I really don’t want to like Lucille’s.  I mean.  It’s a chain.  Albeit, it is a west coast chain covering only California, Nevada, and Arizona, but still a chain nonetheless.  Even though there are a bunch of these around southern California, I am here to talk about the best one — I am talking about […]

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Geoffrey’s Malibu – Beach Lovers, Food Lovers, Come All and Fall in Love

June 30, 2011

Think of your most delicious seafood meal, and imagine having it in front of an ocean view.  That is what Geoffrey’s is all about.  Located right on the PCH, this Malibu eatery has some of the best view from any restaurant. The fine dining experience was just amazing here.  I took my girlfriend here for […]

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Bottega Louie – Downtown Los Angeles Shows Us Its Exquisite Grandeur Side

June 27, 2011

Sometimes you anticipate things and everything falls into order.  You imagine how the day will go, how everything will be, and it is.  There are days you hope for the best, and it turns out to actually be the best. I had the highest of hopes for Bottega Louie, and I can honestly say that […]

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Scoops – Happiness is…Two Kinds of Ice Cream

June 23, 2011

Ice cream can cure anything.  It can cure a bad day, make a good day even better, or cure a aching heart.  In this day and age, just regular vanilla or chocolate won’t do.  It seems like everyone is doing something different, something outside the box.  People are pushing the flavor envelope further and further, […]

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Catal Restaurant and Uva Bar – Downtown Disney Cuisine Almost Proves Me Wrong

June 21, 2011

Having a Disneyland Pass has its perks.  Need a little pick up after a long day at work?  Go to Disneyland.  Need some excitement in your usual day?  Ride a ride at Disneyland.  One drawback about this is that there are no good eateries inside the theme park.  None.  So what is a person to […]

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The Bruery Provisions – Beer, Bread, and Butter @ this Wine and Cheese Shop

June 17, 2011

Walking around the Orange Circle in Orange, CA, I stumbled upon The Bruery Provisions.  Entering, I was amazed by the wall of beer bottles.  They had so much, I don’t know how anyone can choose from such a wide selection. They sold different kinds of wines and drinks.  What fascinated me the most was their […]

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Pink’s Hot Dog – The Historical Hot Dog Cart Goes Hollywod on Us

June 15, 2011

Pink’s hot dog is up with the best of Los Angeles.  When you think of LA, what comes to mind?  Hollywood, beaches, In-n-Out, palm trees.  Somewhere in that list, Pink’s should come up within the top 10. Pink’s is a Hollywood icon, and have been a Los Angeles landmark for years.  By the way, being […]

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BBQ Chicken – Spicy Does a Body Bad, In a Good Way

June 14, 2011

Eating here was just out of luck, chance, random act of randomness.  I always seen this place on Vermont in Koreatown, but we needed to eat dinner in Irvine.  I saw BBQ Chicken and thought I’d give it a try.  I went inside, and it looked promising. The name BBQ Chicken is a bit misleading.  […]

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True Food Kitchen – Detox for a Junk Food Junkie

June 12, 2011

Newport Beach, CA is like something out of a movie.  It’s the place of the rich and fabulous.  Nice cars and homes, and of course the beach are what comes to mind.  Healthy living is what I think of next, as Orange County is a big fan of eating healthy.  True Food Kitchen couldn’t have […]

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Felix Continental Cafe – Orange Does Cuban at Plaza Square in a Circle

June 10, 2011

In the heart of Orange, CA, there is the Plaza Square.  This is where all of the shops and eateries are.  If you look up Glassel and Chapman in Orange, CA on Google Maps, you can see that Plaza Square is actually a circle.  I thought that was kind of ironically funny.  Before I bore […]

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Newport Seafood – And I Thought Lobster Couldn’t Get Any Better

June 8, 2011

I have always dreamed of finding the perfect seafood restaurant.  To me, it requires freshness and good ingredients.  We stumbled onto Newport Seafood from acquaintances, and what a great suggestion this was. Have I found my favorite seafood restaurant? I possibly could have. Upon entering the restaurant, all the patrons and wait staff were Chinese […]

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The Griddle Cafe – Hollywood and Pancakes for Breakfast

June 6, 2011

Bouncing around from Orange County and downtown Los Angeles, I rarely visit the Hollywood area anymore.  When I do get to visit in the early morning, I always hit up The Griddle Cafe. This place is popular amongst locals and is a celebrity hot spot.  My experience is always a pleasant one. I’ve only come […]

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Tranquil Tea Lounge – A Sensible Meal for a Voracious Me

June 4, 2011

Every meal should be sensible and delicious.  Perfect portions, rounded out flavors, and a little bit of everything should be included. At Tranquil Tea Lounge, all that is possible.   This place is something good for you.  No sodas or french fries here.  Sensible sandwiches and salads.  Tea too — all different kinds. Upon entering this […]

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Coolhaus Ice Cream Truck – Keepin’ Us Happy One Sandwich at a Time

June 3, 2011

I remember me and friends were talking about the next big food truck.  I cleverly thought of a food truck that serves ice cream — going back to the basics with a twist.  After a bit of silence, my friends burst out in laughter, teasing me that there were ice cream trucks everywhere!  Far beyond […]

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Milk – The Blue Velvet Takes the Cake

June 2, 2011

I always passed by MILK on Beverly Blvd., and I always though it was some kind of milk store.  Could it be?  The main headquarters of all of milk?  Maybe it was a retired bottling company for milk bottles, like in the olden days. Whatever it was, or is, I wanted to go inside. From […]

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Portos Bakery – A Family Affair Turns Out Cuban Delights

June 1, 2011

Entering Portos Bakery, you will be amongst the masses.  Half of the population of Glendale will be within a 100 yards from you. People come here for cakes, all kinds of bread, pastries, sandwiches, you name it.  They form a line, move somewhat quickly through, and get their baked goods.  I come here for the […]

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5 Guys Burgers and Fries – Something Familiar Becomes Brand New

May 30, 2011

It looks like the predominantly East Coast eatery has made its way well into the West.  Upon arriving, 5 Guys seems to have the color scheme of the very West coast hamburger joint, In-n-Out. The red and white tiles were really familiar.  Perhaps this is why there is much talk about 5 Guys vs. In-n-Out.  […]

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Charlie’s Chili – Newport Beach Boardwalk Chili Fix

May 29, 2011

It’s a bright and sunny day, what is one to do?  For me and many other lucky Southern Californians, it means, going to the beach.  Walking around Newport Beach, I checked out all of the shops and enjoyed my restful afternoon. It was a bit chilly and windy.  What was the solution?  Chili!  Charlie’s Chili […]

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Sam Woo Barbecue – Chinese Makes This Carnivore Happy

May 27, 2011

I love Chinese food.  I think America loves Chinese food.  That is probably why there are so many Chinese restaurants around town.  I’m not talking about Panda Express, or China Wok, Chinatown Express — the list goes on and on. When I think of Chinese food, and think of meat, I always look to Sam […]

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