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DineDelish - Los Angeles Food Loving Food Blogger Eats LA - Page 18

Blue Ribbon Bakery (Disneyland) – Main Street Cinamon Bun On Me

October 18, 2011

Having an annual pass at Disneyland is a perk. 10% off almost everything at the theme park is awesome. The best part of course would be being able to go pretty much whenever I want, excluding those annoying black out dates of course. Walking around, riding rides, and watching the fireworks really take it out […]

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Crepes de Paris – No Passport Necessary

October 18, 2011

Crepes are so delicious.  That paper thin pancake like disc, filled with whatever your heart desires — that is what a crepe is all about. Though, I can’t seem to get over the savory crepe.  I prefer the sweet kind, the ones for dessert.  Crepes de Paris in Brea is a quaint little crepe shop.  […]

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Earl of Sandwich (Planet Hollywood) – Only An Earl, Not A Duke

October 16, 2011

If you are thinking about eating here, let me save you the time.  Don’t do it.  The pictures look good, and the lines are long; It must be good! I waited in the line and I had my taste.  It wasn’t worth the wait.  There was nothing that wowed me.  In the end of it […]

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Taste on Melrose – I Dine LA And I Love Taste

October 14, 2011

I’ve heard so much stuff about Taste on Melrose.  I’ve seen that building so many times on Melrose with the words “taste” on it.  “What is Taste?” I would ask myself. Thanks to Dine LA’s Restaurant Week, I took advantage of their 3 course menu.  Looking at their menu, I realized that all or most […]

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Gordon Ramsey at The London – A Michelin Star Well Deserved?

October 14, 2011

DineLA’s Restaurant Week really lets people try many different kind of food.  After looking and what they had to offer.  I was caught between so many choices.  After a few reservations being booked, I was left with Gordon Ramsey at The London.  I am not saying this was a second best or last resort.  I […]

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Bar + Kitchen – Slow Service, But I don’t Mind It

October 14, 2011

It is always nice to eat with family.  Being Dine LA Restaurant Week and all, we all wanted to take advantage and have lunch.  Since restaurant week comes in 3 courses and 3 dishes to choose from, the trio, my brother, cousin, and I went to Bar + Kitchen. Perfectly situated in Downtown, it was […]

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Luna Park – Eat This, And That, And That…

October 13, 2011

Finding out about Luna Park, I always how I missed this place on such a busy intersection, Wilshire and La Brea.  I must have passed by this place hundreds of times and didn’t even notice it.  That is the beauty of restaurant week by Dine LA. It opens up your city with wonderful eateries that […]

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Cucina Alessa – Homemade Pasta On The PCH In Newport Beach

October 13, 2011

Nothing is as comforting as Italian food. The starchy noodles and pasta with a nice warm sauce, and maybe some cheese is all it takes to feel comforted. A pint of ice cream after a bad breakup?  Try a bowl of cheesy, creamy penne.   You will be right back on your feet.  When you […]

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21 Choices Frozen Yorgurt – It Is Do Dang Hot Outside

October 12, 2011

The weather in LA can be tricky.  I could have sworn it rained last week.  Today, it is nearly 100 degrees!  The Southern Californian sun is flexing its powers for its last hurrah before the winter I guess.  It’s hot, muggy, and just burning out there.  My AC is working overtime, and I don’t even […]

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Old Vine Cafe – Breakfast And Lunch In One Meal

October 12, 2011

Costa Mesa has some awesome breakfast spots.  Plums Cafe from my older post shows you that there is some good eating at Costa Mesa.  The Old Vine Cafe at The Camp is another great breakfast spot.  Not only is it located nicely in this modern, yet outdoorsy complex, the restaurant feels very comforting once you […]

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The Grilled Cheese Truck – Long Lines, But I Got “Mines”

October 8, 2011

Who doesn’t like a grilled cheese sandwich?  It is a childhood standard meal.  I always think of those Kraft cheese commercials where they split open a grilled cheese sandwich, and all that gooey cheese starts stretching out.  Man, I love that commercial.  The cheese has to be the star of a grilled cheese.  Though they […]

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Tito’s Tacos – The West Side Gets Crunchy

October 5, 2011

I was driving east on Washington, going home from the beach.  I don’t know why I was on Washington, not on Venice.  Maybe to avoid traffic, or maybe it was fate.  As I passed the 405 to avoid traffic, I saw a sign that read, Tito’s Tacos. Hearing much about this place, I had to […]

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Mama D’s Italian Kitchen – Good Service With A Side Of Pink Suace

October 1, 2011

It’s all about the sauce.  Good Italian food is all about the sauce.  The pasta could be cooked perfectly al dente, but without good sauce, you have nothing.  Some like red sauce, and some like it white on the creamy side.  Mama D’s Italian Kitchen in Newport Beach likes it pink. They mix marinara and […]

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Stripsteak (Mandalay Bay) – No Steak, Yes Duck Fat, Truffle Everything

September 24, 2011

Mandalay Bay has some of my favorite things.  It is away from the busy party hardy vibe from the center strip, it has one of the best pools in Vegas, and it has Stripsteak. From the outside, it just looks and give off a normal steakhouse feel.  Once you dine there, you are treated so […]

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Break Of Dawn – Creative Cooking Comforting Us For Breakfast

September 21, 2011

Honestly, this was a unique breakfast. For those who want a normal bacon and eggs with toast breakfast, look elsewhere.  Break of Dawn has good breakfast, but their menu has a creative twist to everything. We had the sausage and rice.  It had Hawaiian sausage, green papaya, scallion puree, and two fried eggs.  It was […]

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Donut Man – Strawberries In Donuts Make It Good, And Good For You

September 16, 2011

Donuts are without a doubt bad for you.  That is what your doctor would say.  Well, good thing I’m not your doctor.  I am telling you, right now, and you may quote me on this — “donuts are good for you.”  Nothing this delicious can be bad for you. Strawberries inside a donut?  You had […]

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Wurstküche – Downtown Has The Best Of The Wurst

September 11, 2011

This whole experience eating at Wurstküche was kind of bizarre come to think of it.  First of all, the location is so low key.  It is located just outside of Downtown and Little Toyko.  Aside from a couple of other restaurants, Wurstküche is the only restaurants amongst the vacant lofts and warehouses. Once you weather […]

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Brea’s Best Hamburger – Is It?

September 6, 2011

I see a lot of burger places touting that their burger is the best.  “Best Burgers in Town”, or “The best in the world.”  I mean really.  How can you state that you have the best in the world?  Have you tried all the burgers in the world?  How do you know that? Not only […]

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85°C Bakery Cafe – Hacienda Heights Won The Lottery

September 1, 2011

Hacienda Heights, I commend you.  You have won the lottery.  Anyone knows the power and might of 85C Bakery in Irvine.  The lines forming and the awesome pastries, amazing!  Put one of these in any city in the San Gabriel Valley, and it will thrive.  With the grand opening of the 2nd 85C Bakery in […]

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85C Bakery Cafe – The Last Pastry That Made It To My Stomach

September 1, 2011

Hearing much rave about 85C Bakery Cafe in Irvine, I had to check it out.  I have been to my share of Asian bakeries, and they are all pretty much the same.  Besides the degree of quality these bakeries have amongst each other, they all work the same way.  You get a tray, pick out […]

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