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DineDelish - Los Angeles Food Loving Food Blogger Eats LA - Page 17

Lobster Me (Planet Hollywood) – Closest You’ll Get To The Ocean In Vegas

November 11, 2011

I was walking and talking, and shopping along at the Miracle Mile — no, not Wilshire, but in Las Vegas inside Planet Hollywood.  I came across Lobster Me.  Lobster, undoubtedly one of my favorite seafood, stopped me in my tracks.  Right then and there, I wanted lobster — I read Lobster Me, and I wanted […]

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Frysmith – French Fries With Tasty Yum-Yums On Top

November 9, 2011

When choosing what food trucks to try, I go by a lot of things. I see what I am in the mood for, if I heard some buzz about them, and the affordability and taste factor of their menu. Frysmith Truck serves fries that you can eat as a meal. They are all about quality […]

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Bay Cities Italian Deli – Gourmet Market At Santa Monica, Home Of The Godmother

November 9, 2011

There comes a time in a man’s life where sliced bread and meat and cheese won’t work.  Regular baloney and American cheese, microwave lasagna, Lays potato chips, soup from a can — all of this won’t work.  One would need more.  Bay Cities Italian Deli is what Los Angeles needs more of — a gourmet […]

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Merely Sweets – Gourmet Cupcakes And Treats Lands At Downtown Brea

November 8, 2011

Brea is the place to be when it is Halloween.  Not for the crazy party goers or drinkers, but for foodies and kids.  They hold a nice little block party for the kids and the eateries around Downtown Brea give away little treats.  At Merely Sweets, they gave away free woopie pies.  And right across […]

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Alcove Cafe and Bakery – Breakfast, Lunch, And Dessert All In One Massive Meal

November 6, 2011

Halloween was last month, but thinking now, it wasn’t even a week ago.  Having plans to go on the Hollywood Hay Ride, we needed a place to lunch near Los Feliz.  Alcove Cafe was perfect. The seating area was peaceful and the menu was plentiful.  The pay first, then sit was perfect for our group. […]

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¡Loteria! Grill (Farmers Market) – Mexican Cuisine For Winners

November 3, 2011

Trying to kill time, I made a little trip to The Grove.  Crowded as usual, we decided to watch a movie. Feeling hungry after shopping a bit, I wanted to eat something. The Grove has a few restaurants, but I wanted something quick and delicious.  The Farmers Market was my best bet.  Searching for something […]

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Burger Bar (Mandalay Bay) – Nutella Shake Is All I Need

November 2, 2011

Burger, shake, and fries.  Nothing is more American.  My cousin raved about the burgers at Mandalay Bay’s Burger Bar, so I had to give it a try. Upon walking in, it reminded me of a sports bar slash Irish pub.  It even had accents of a classic American diner.  The TV on each booth even […]

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Clancy’s Clubhouse – A Sports Bar Heading In The Right Direction

November 2, 2011

Hungry before going out to Disneyland, we needed a bite to eat. Knowing of course that Disneyland had not a single decent place to get a good meal, we decided to eat outside, but near by.  Clancy’c Clubhouse was just around the corner, and it was one of those places I always pass by, and […]

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BoHo Gastropub – Cirque Du Soleil Front Row, And No Time To Eat

November 1, 2011

This is a story of success.  It is about a perfect night that went as planned — the stars aligned, and most importantly, the food was surprisingly good.  Hungry before a show at Kodak Theatre, and barely having any time to eat, I was sad.  Nobody wants a quick hot dog or boring burgers from […]

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Neptune’s Net – Fresh Seafood On A PCH Landmark

October 28, 2011

On my way to Neptune’s Net, I couldn’t help but notice how expansive Malibu is.  I was driving almost 30 minutes north on the PCH, and I was still in Malibu?  Crazy right?  So why would anyone want to drive so far for some seafood?  Well, it’s “The Net” — people from all walks of […]

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Grand Lux Cafe (Venetian) – A Little Something For Everyone And Anyone

October 27, 2011

I have always wanted to eat here.  I knew the food was going to be average, I knew it was exactly like Cheesecake Factory inside and out, and I knew there still would be a wait. Despite these foreseen events, I still wanted to go.  I mean, its Grand Lux Cafe.  It is what Las […]

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Boca Del Rio – It’s Raining Cheese And Lengua Is King

October 27, 2011

Why is it that the dirtier and grungier the establishment, the better the food?  I’m not talking about having a C rating for food health and safety.  I mean those hole in the wall mom and pop joints.  Boca Del Rio is one such establishment. Their Mexican food is so street food and so “unhealthy”, […]

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M & M Donuts – Three Hours For One Glorious Blueberry Donut

October 27, 2011

So a donut shop is a donut shop is a donut shop right?  Donuts from this mom and pop shop is the same as this other one.  Well, in this case, no.  First of all, what kind of donut shop opens only at 9PM?  Kind of sketchy right? On weekends, this Disneyland neighbor opens at […]

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Blake’s Place – BBQ Done Right, All At An Unknown Location

October 26, 2011

One in a while, you come across a BBQ spot that that really hits the spot.  A good BBQ restaurant is hard to find.  Checking my best friend yelp, I found this Blake’s Place, literally off the grid. Located in the industrial parts of Anaheim, they are hard to find.  You wouldn’t even think there […]

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The Pint House – Oktobeerfest Is On And Poppin’

October 25, 2011

I was in Downtown Fullerton, and I came across The Pint House.  From the back, where the parking is, there were lights outside streaming across the dining area. There was a smokey smell coming from this place and it looked nice.  We wanted to give it a try. The inside was like an upscale pub […]

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Naples Ristorante E Pizzeria – Salted Cured Meat And Fruit On Pizza

October 25, 2011

It was late, we were hungry, and we just had an awesome time at Disneyland.  Of course, we don’t want to settle nor go broke and eat at Disneyland.  We already saw what we wanted to see and rode Pirates, so the day was complete. We just needed to eat.  One of the more decent […]

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Hae Jang Chon Korean BBQ – Wait Two Hours To Eat For Two Hours

October 24, 2011

Some days, you have to let loose.  Diets and counting calories don’t matter.  You shut down your hunger sensors and gorge in a all you can eat meat fest.  Koreatown has Korean BBQ restaurant at almost every corner.  One of my favorites is Hae Jang Chon on 6th Street. They offer some good quality meat […]

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Hard Rock Cafe (Universal City) – Sadly, All Around The World

October 24, 2011

Remember back in the days, before The Grove, before The Americana?  Everyone used to hang out at Universal City Walk.  Though still a popular spot, it wasn’t what it used to be – at least to me.  After watching a movie on IMAX, my family and friends wanted to eat. This was the first time […]

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Colima Burger – A Hole In The Wall You Shoudn’t Patch Up

October 21, 2011

Colima Burger is one of those spots.   It is a no name, hole in the wall burger joint.  Interestingly though, the interior was clean and the food wasn’t really greasy.  Good and bad, depending on how you look at it. Their menu is pretty standard — burgers and fries.  The food here was alright, nothing […]

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Sugar Factory (Planet Hollywood) – All That Candy, All That Glitter

October 19, 2011

No, I didn’t eat here.  I just visited the store that was right across from Earl of Sandwich, inside Planet Hollywood.  It was cool to see all of the interesting candies they sold.  I’m not going to lie, this store is for chicks, not me.  They had clothes for girls, candies, cupcakes and such.  They […]

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