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DineDelish - Los Angeles Food Loving Food Blogger Eats LA - Page 14

Gelato Paradiso – The Beach and a Frozen Treat, and I’m all Smiles

May 7, 2012

It’s official. The Italians got it right again and gelato is the perfect “ice cream”. It always seems like the beach and the ocean always makes me want some ice cream. The sunshine and the ocean breeze all can be enjoyed a little better with a nice velvety, creamy treat. If you couldn’t tell by […]

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Tomato Pie (Silver Lake) – Thin Crust is an Understatement

May 4, 2012

Tomato Pie, a pizza joint in Hollywood and Silverlake derives its name from, well, tomato pie. Tomato pie is a Sicillian’s take on pizza where the dough is fococia like and thick. It is normally topped with tomato sauce and sprinkled with cheese. Never having tried tomoato pie, Tomato Pie was an obvious choice. The […]

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Dim Sum Express – Get Your Shui Mai and Pork Buns Really Fast

May 4, 2012

Where have you been to where the food comes out quickly, and is tastier for that? Never. It is safe to say that the speedier the service, the crappier the food. Dim Sum Express is exactly what it is, and is exactly what you expect. Quick food, which is more convenient than fast, brought to […]

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Terrace Point Cafe (Wynn) – Sitting Outside With The Best Hash Browns

May 1, 2012

It was breakfast time in Las Vegas. Breakfast is probably my favorite meal of the day. Not only is the first meal of the day, the meal that sets the tone for the whole day, but it includes everything delicious. Cheese, potatoes, eggs, bacon — need I say more? I opted to sit outside as […]

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Akasaka – Sushi Spot With Huge Rolls And Huge Bowls

April 29, 2012

Sushi, especially sashimi is my favorite food.  Hands down.  Having the freshest fish, eaten raw is so delicious.  It is buttery, fatty, and dipped in some soy sauce and wasabi is such a perfect match.  Even sushi, rapped in rice is so convenient to eat and a perfect bite of food and flavor.  It is […]

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Zankou Chicken – A Hollywood Original, and a Trip to Lebanon

April 26, 2012

Clue number 1, Chicken. Clue number 2, purple turnips. Clue number 3, and this is the kicker, garlic sauce and hummus. By now, if Zankou Chicken isn’t alarming in your mind, you probably haven’t had it before. Heck, did you even read the title? Zankou Chicken is as Middle Eastern as can be. It all […]

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Petrillo’s Pizza – Classic Pizzeria in the San Gabriel Valley

April 24, 2012

Growing up in the San Gabriel Valley, I had a lot of Asian eateries to choose from. Whatever Asian I was in the mood for, nothing was out of reach. Having this luxury had its drawbacks. Anything else, I had to choose from a small group of restaurants — No really good burger joints, gastropubs, […]

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Oinkster – Pastrami Sandwiches, Homemade Sauces, & Ube Shakes

April 17, 2012

You gotta love pastrami. Its salty, meaty, and delicious. The process to make pastrami is kind of a long process. You have to brine it, get all of the spices right, and cook that thing for a while. Oinkster in Eagle Rock prides itself as having some good pastrami. The once hole in the wall […]

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Brodard Restaurant – Vietnamese Spring Roll Ingredients, Assemble

April 15, 2012

It is not every day you get to eat Vietnamese at a sit down, and it’s not pho.  Usually its spring rolls or a bahn mi sandwich to go, or a nice big hot bowl of pho at a hole in the wall. Brodard in Garden Grove has some of the best Vietnamese food around, […]

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LA Street Tacos – Nameless

April 10, 2012

On my way home from work, I sometimes see a Mexican taco stand on the sidewalk. This is not a truck mind you, it is straight up set up on the sidewalk. They even had lights for when it became dark. This is totally illegal as they do not hold any permits or licenses — […]

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Max Brenner (Caesar’s Palace Forum Shops) – Chocolate Runs Through My Veins

April 1, 2012

Chocolate and chocolate. Chocolate on chocolate on chocolate on chocolate. Chocolate. Everyone loves this stuff. Girls devour it after breakups. Guys say they don’t like chocolate, but secretly love this stuff. I am sure chocolate has some kind of chemical that makes us happy. That is we love it so much. Max Brenner, an Israeli […]

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Joan’s On Third – An Experience with My Gourmet Sandwich

March 27, 2012

I stepped into Joan’s On Third, and I instantly fell in love. The collection of food items inside and the marketplace was abundant, and a bit overwhelming. If you are in the mood for cheeses, olives, bread, and condiments, they offer a variety of the gourmet stuff. In the kitchen, soups, salads, sandwiches, breakfast, and […]

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Monkey Business Cafe – Good for the Tummy, Good for the Community

March 22, 2012

I passed by this place many times, and it never appealed to me as a nice place to eat. The outside doesn’t look like a restaurant, and the word monkey doesn’t sound tasty. There is something special about Monkey Business Cafe — they are for non-profit. All of their proceeds go to Hart Community Homes. […]

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No. 1 Noodle House – A Trip to a Noodle Shop

March 19, 2012

I was scared to eat at this joint. Hidden between some chicken place and corner store, I was a bit intrigued. Once I entered the place, I was transported into a new world. The small front counter to my front and a dark alley way to my right leading to the dining area was all […]

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The Hungry Cat – A Seafood Lover’s Dream in the Middle of Hollywood

March 15, 2012

I don’t know whether it’s a myth or if it is true, but I ponder if cats actually like fish. You always see cartoons portraying cats with an appetite for goldfish, swimming helplessly in a goldfish bowl atop a small table. I always thought cats hated water. And don’t you see cats in the wild […]

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Bruxie (Brea) – Bigger and Bolder, the Second Location Becomes a Hit

March 13, 2012

Having been to the Bruxie in Orange, I was excited to see a newer and better (larger) one open up in Brea. Anticipating its grand opening, I was shocked as to see the great location they were able to snatch up. After procrastinating for a bit, I finally was able to try Bruxie in Brea. […]

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Jazz Cat Cafe – Jammin’ Asian Style

March 11, 2012

The San Gabriel Valley has an over population of Asian cuisine. Anything you are in the mood for, or anything you can think of, it’s available for you. At the city of Industry, there is Jazz Cat Cafe. This is a shabu shabu restaurant that has great soup bases along with other popular side items. […]

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Nickel Diner – Downtown Urbanites Get A Taste Of Hometown Charm

March 6, 2012

Downtown Los Angeles is full of history and good food.  Nickel Diner is popular amongst the urbanites as a breakfast spot, though they serve lunch and dinner as well.  Located in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles, and neighboring the Skid Row Housing Trust, the atmosphere can cause a bit off-putting.  Anyone not used to […]

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The Kitchen – Quirky Atmosphere with Home Style Cooking

March 5, 2012

The Kitchen in Silver Lake was intriguing to me. I was first introduced to this place by a friend and was told about the cool concoctions they have here. Pear pancakes? Delicious mac and cheese? I was sold. Upon arriving, I couldn’t help but notice the interesting layout of the whole restaurant. A mural on […]

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Nick’s Laguna Beach – A Gastropub Near the Beach, Life is Good

March 1, 2012

Laguna Beach is one of my favorite beach cities. The vibe there is fun and exciting, and you get a sense of history there. One of my favorite spots to grab a bite is at Nick’s Laguna Beach. The decor, menu, and vibe is all very new school among this classic beach city. Centered around […]

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