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DineDelish - Los Angeles Food Loving Food Blogger Eats LA - Page 13

The Pie Hole – The Art District Serving Up a Delicious Pie

July 19, 2012

Los Angeles is changing for the better. Downtown especially, neighborhoods not so hospitable a few years back are now going through metamorphosis. Condos are being built all around downtown and the the urban boom is in full effect. This sudden migration of people moving to the city is good for business as well, especially the […]

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SimBaLa – Sausage on Rice with a Side of Stinky Feet

July 15, 2012

How often do I eat Taiwanese food? Not often. When I heard of SimBaLa in Rowland Heights, I made it my duty to give it a try. Looking at the picture of the sausage and rice online, I was looking forward to trying this place. Sometimes, going into foreign restaurants scare me, but this time […]

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Firefly – Snack Time With a Little Tapas

July 11, 2012

It seems to be that everywhere you go, tapas is the hot new topic. Small plates are awesome. You can have as many plates as you want, and variety makes us all happy. You don’t have to order 1 dish and be stuck with it. If you order one wrong dish, you at least have […]

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Granville – An Organic and Fresh Detour From Shopping

July 4, 2012

The Americana has a hefty amount of restaurants to choose from. Most are on the high end, a few are on the mid to low end. Granville aims to meet the upscale style and atmosphere with down to earth cuisine. I thought of it as a non commercialized Cheesecake Factory, though it sets itself up […]

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Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner – Fried Chicken and the Boysenberry in the Center of it all

June 29, 2012

Knott’s Berry Farm is know for many things. It really was a farm back in the day — it’s not just a name. Today, kids know it for Snoopy, teens seek thrills on their roller coasters, and adults and old folks know Knott’s for their jams. For me, I am all about the food. Mrs. […]

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Lola Gaspar – With Santa Ana’s Arts District Comes Gastronomy

June 25, 2012

Santa Ana is going through a great urban renovation. Old buildings are being turned into offices, condos and restaurants. At the Santa Ana Arts District, the streets look more lively it seems like. Starting in the mid 90’s, the artists rented out undesired buildings as workspace. Soon after, the area saw a growth in artists […]

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Daikokuya (Little Tokyo) – A Quick Bite Turns Into Tradition

June 22, 2012

It’s Friday, the work week is done, and you just a bit to eat with your coworkers. That is how it usually goes down, and I have to say, Happy Hour isn’t in our best interest. Some how, some way, we always end up at Daikokuya. That is officially our go to spot. Someone suggests […]

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Blue Cow Kitchen & Bar – Don’t Be Mad, Eat Happy

June 17, 2012

After glowing reviews about a new, hip sandwich spot in Downtown, I immediately put Blue Cow Kitchen in The List. Having eaten at Casa, the restaurant the preceded Blue Cow, I was a bit skeptical. I wasn’t too fond of my last visit to Casa, and finding out that it went out of business didn’t […]

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Kimmie’s Coffee Cup – Orange County’s Very Own Top Breakfast Spot

June 14, 2012

Whoever Kimmie is, I never tried her coffee. I don’t even think the restaurant specializes in coffee. I do know that if you are in need of a sensible breakfast with a feel of a diner, Kimmie’s is the place to go. They are all about good food and service all at a place where […]

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BLD – A Tweet Earns a Plats du Jour Compliments of the Chef

June 10, 2012

This whole experience was surreal to me. You are reading about a guy who never wins anything. Raffle drawings, none — lotto jackpots, never. But this experience, this one was different. All of the stars lined up for this one and everything worked out perfectly. The way it goes is, you tweet any dish you […]

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La Brea Bakery – The Official Bakery of Los Angeles

June 9, 2012

La Brea Bakery should be known as the bread mecca of Los Angeles — to a degree, it is. Focusing on artisanal breads, they sell breads all around Los Angeles, and even some around the world. La Brea Bakery started it 1989 on La Brea Ave. The architects of a historical building wanted a bakery, […]

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Waffles de Liege – A Match Made In Heaven

June 5, 2012

Food trucks are an amazing thing. You can get practically any kind of food you desire off of a food truck. Waffles De Liege, for example serves up some awesome waffles. Their waffles are not the breakfast kind, though anyone would be happy to have these for breakfast. According to their website, there are two […]

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Palm’s Thai Restaurant – Asian Elvis is in the House, but not Today

June 1, 2012

Palm’s Thai restaurant wasn’t what I expected at all. Their infatuation with Elivs itself is weird to me. No they are not in Thai Town, but yes they are in Hollywood. Maybe the Hollywood in them gives them the urge and need to be a little out there. Hollywood is full of surprises, and this […]

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Bouchon Bakery (Venetian) – Not Your Ordinary Nutter Butter Cookie Sandwich

May 28, 2012

After eating at Bouchon, I really wanted some dessert from Bouchon Bakery. After looking around, I could not find it.  Sadly, I gave up and was on my way. Next time around, I was determined to find it.  It was no wonder I couldn’t find it the first time — It was a small bakery […]

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Village Pizzeria (Larchmont) – NYC Style Pizza from SF to LA

May 23, 2012

Larchmont is a weird, yet charming little area of Los Angeles. The shops and clientele are a bit on the high end. The food choices and shopping choices are all over the place, and even the parking is done not parallel, but facing the sidewalk. One part of Larchmont though is always the same, and […]

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Mitsuru Cafe – Hockey Pucks Never Tasted This Good

May 20, 2012

The Japanese Village Plaza in Little Tokyo is such a fitting name for that place. Take away the busy sounds of the city and the tall buildings, and you are left with an actual Japanese village. Central to the plaza is a small eatery called Mitsuru Cafe. Though they serve full on meals from curry […]

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Gburger – The Kitchen Sink Almost Makes the Cut

May 18, 2012

There comes a time when you turn from a boy to a man. For me, that time was when I ordered an actual meal from McDonald’s instead of a happy meal. As a kid, the happy meal was the obvious choice. You got your burger and fries with a drink, and a toy to play […]

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Porto’s Bakery (Burbank) – Gettin’ My Cheese Roll Fix

May 14, 2012

Porto’s Porto’s Porto’s.  Burbank is lucky to have a Porto’s.  Any city to have a Porto’s is lucky — Glendale and Downy included.  The thing about Porto’s is that there is always a line, a long long line.  You will never find yourself inside a Porto’s and be the only one ordering something.  I never […]

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Jewel City Diner – Standard Issue Burgers and Fries

May 12, 2012

I am pretty sure someone mentioned that Jewel City Diner had good burgers. Maybe I was hearing things. I always told myself, “I can’t wait to try it and see what all the fuss is about”. Well, whoever implanted that thought in my head, I am forever mad at you. After a day of shopping […]

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Urth Caffé – Lattes and Teas Become a Celebrity Amongst Celebrities

May 8, 2012

Search for Urth Caffe at Google, and under the Images tab, you will find more pictures of celebrities than actual food. Weird right? Kind of ridiculous if you ask me. They must do a lot of business just on the paparazzi alone. I wonder if normal/regular people go here. I mean, I’m normal — I’m […]

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