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DineDelish - Los Angeles Food Loving Food Blogger Eats LA - Page 11

Bona Vista Lounge – A Drink, Snacks and an Elevator Ride

January 6, 2013

The Westin Bonaventure, the round, stubby building is hard to miss in the Los Angeles downtown cityscape. Traveling Figueroa almost daily, I always pass by the Bonaventure and remember the birthday dinner I had at L.A. Prime. Just below this beautiful steak restaurant sits a revolving restaurant / bar. Inch by inch, as you sit […]

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Mario’s Peruvian Seafood (La Mirada) – French Fries & Beef on my Mind

January 1, 2013

Mario’s Peruvian Seafood is so popular in Los Angeles. People wait in lines outside the small restaurant — the people just want their Lomo Saltado! I heard that the beef was better in the La Mirada location, so I had to give it a whirl. At first glance, I could tell this Mario’s used to […]

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Alicia’s – Sometimes all you Need in Life is a Pink Cloud

December 17, 2012

You pull up into Alicia’s parking lot and you immediately as yourself, “there’s a restaurant here”? I know it seems like the last place for a restaurant. Among some random businesses and factories sits a quaint restaurant serving up some great breakfast items and sandwiches. Alicia’s is a down to earth restaurant cafe. More along […]

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Dog Haus (Alhambra) – Blutarsky Bringing Back the Tater Tots

December 12, 2012

The hot dog — it is such a simple thing, and everyone loves them. For me, I always liked it simple. A nice steamed bun, good quality all beef dog, and a little bit of mustard and onions – simple and delicious is all I needed. No ketchup please. Once I met Dog Haus in […]

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Santa Monica Seafood – 3/4 Fish Market, 1/4 Restaurant & Oyster Bar

December 6, 2012

Driving to the back parking lot of Santa Monica Seafood, I wasn’t expecting much. The rear parking lot and subtle entrance had be fooled. I mean, that’s where the dumpster and all the fish guts are. If I had only just walked to the street entrance, I would have realized how judgmental I was being. […]

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La Golondrina Mexican Cafe – Olvera Street and the Oldest Brick Building in Los Angeles

December 1, 2012

Historically, Olvera Street is in the oldest part of Downtown Los Angeles. Founded by Spanish settlers, Olvera Street was part of the early stages of the development of Los Angeles. Ironically, Olvera Street is located in Chinatown. We are talking pre Mexican American War and Gold Rush days. That is a lot of history that […]

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K’ya Bistro – Hotel Restaurant fit for any Diner’s Budget

November 24, 2012

K’ya Bistro was an experience. Located inside the La Casa del Camino Hotel, I was excited to eat here after exploring Victoria Beach. Opening at 1929, at first glance, the hotel seemed like a classic. The Historic Mediterranean style hotel is located in the southern pocket on Laguna Beach. Being right next to the water, […]

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Settebello Pizzeria Napoletana – Prosciutto on Pizza is Bliss

November 18, 2012

A pizza is a pizza is a pizza. Well, we aren’t kids anymore — and we definitely are not in college anymore. We all remember those days, getting the cheapest and biggest pizza possible. As a kid, I always thought, the more toppings a pizza had, the better it was — all the meats, all […]

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Tom Colicchio’s Craftsteak (MGM) – Beef Me Top Chef

November 12, 2012

There comes a time when you just go all out.  Whether you are in the right mindset or not, you just go for it.  You don’t think about cost or consequences thereafter.  You just close your eyes and hope for the best.  With Tom Colicchio’s Craftsteak at the MGM, I did just that. I knew […]

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Fonuts – Fake Donuts & Fake Doughnuts

November 5, 2012

Fonuts? What in the world is a fonut? On Their website, it give a definition. [Fo•nut] n. – A doughnut that is baked and/or steamed, never fried. The origin is from faux-donut. Well, faux means false or fake, so I guess a fonut is a fake donut. A wannabe? No. Don’t make the mistake of […]

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Pink Taco – Mall Food Gets Cheesy and Corny

October 27, 2012

I knew there was a Pink Taco in Las Vegas, but I am not sure it if it is the same one as the one in Los Angeles. Under the website, it doesn’t list the Las Vegas one as their locations. I mean, the theme and menu as long as the feel of the two […]

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Eat Chow – Lying My Way Through the Menu

October 20, 2012

On the outskirts of Newport Beach, Costa Mesa is a hip beach town more suburban than anything else. Along the downtown area though, there are a lot of cool places to eat and shop. One place that stands out is Eat Chow. The menu here is New American, and they have their own twist on […]

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Hama Sushi – Sashimi Everywhere but not a Camera in Sight

October 15, 2012

You are transformed walking into Hama Sushi. You throw out all of your standards of what you thought good sushi is and allow their sushi chefs to take rein. My experience at Hama Sushi was authentic as can be, and sadly, I am only able to share this with you through words. Their no camera […]

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C & O Trattoria – Garlic Knots & Garlic Knots, That’s Amore

October 8, 2012

C & O Trattoria is one of those go to spots when you are in Venice, Marina De Rey area. The food is affordable and the selection is plenty. The best part is, once you enter, you feel like you are family. The staff is friendly — they even offer you garlic knots while you […]

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Lemonade (Manhattan Beach) – Heat Wave Means Beach Time and Ice Cold Lemonade

October 3, 2012

I know, it is hot as heck out there. Despite Korean myth, the fans are on at night and I did not die. AC in the car is always on, and summer isn’t leaving without a fight. Thank goodness we have beaches. Gosh I love the beach. The people, the relax atmosphere, and the smell […]

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The Parish – A Korean, a Food Blogger, and a Master Chef Walk into a Bar

October 1, 2012

Food blogging was just something I fell into. Fairly young in the food blogging world at less than 2 years, I feel like I still have a lot to see and learn. When I had the chance to sit down and dine with other like minded food bloggers, I jumped at the chance. TC from […]

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Berth 55 Fish Market – My Pit Stop In Long Beach California

September 29, 2012

Sometimes I hate the beach. I’m sure most of you are gasping and ready to throw rocks at me. All that sand in your shoes — The seagulls in your face, flapping their wings. Flocks of pigeons all hovering over you, waiting to unload a big mess on you. Maybe it’s not the beach I […]

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Chomp Chomp Nation – Singaporean Food Truck Serving Raffles, Not Ruffles

September 25, 2012

This by far is the most interesting food truck I ever came across. Not that the food truck looked different, but I guess it was because they served Singaporean food. I never really had Singaporean food so this was interesting to me. The flavors and style of the food was unique enough to the point […]

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Mama’s Lu Dumpling House – Fried Everything and XLB

September 23, 2012

You are hungry, and you don’t have much money, I know. Same here. A trip to Subway seems too blah, and to tell you the truth, that stuff is too healthy. Eating that submarine sandwich, hold the mayo and cheese, one can feel their heart pumping more efficiently. No. You want something fried, deep fried. […]

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Paradise Cove Beach Cafe – A Nice Day at the Beach Makes Up for a Dull Menu

September 17, 2012

The beach is the first thing I think of when its hot out. The cool breeze and sun all make up for a perfect experience during the hot weather. One of my favorite beaches in Los Angeles, Malibu, is a great beach city. They have the best beaches, and some of the best food around. […]

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