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DineDelish - Los Angeles Food Loving Food Blogger Eats LA - Page 10

Osteria La Buca – Fun in the Sun with Pizza and Pasta

March 15, 2013

Italian food used to be my favorite food. With the introduction of sashimi and the all mighty carne asada fries, Italian is a close second? Third? Definitely a top 5 contender of my all time favorite foods, Italian food is one of my loves of food. Osteria La Buca, easily one of the best in […]

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Blu Jam Cafe – Kamil’s Breakfast and the Best Eggs Benedict?

March 7, 2013

I always wanted to give Blu Jam Cafe a try. I always see massive lines outside on the weekends and heard so much about their breakfasts. As you may already know, breakfast on the weekends is my favorite. It gives a great feeling and gets you through the day of whatever fun things you have […]

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Haven Gastropub (Orange) – Fried Pig Ears and a Burger

March 4, 2013

It was a clear black night, a clear white moon. Warren G was on the streets, trying to consume. Some skirts for the eve, so I can get some funk. Just rollin’ in my ride, chillin’ all alone. That was some regulators action for you. I always feel like the OC can use some more […]

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Border Grill (Downtown) – Mexican Food and a Bar, Yes to Guacamole

March 1, 2013

I always pass by Border Grill on Figueroa on a daily basis. Right across from the Bonaventure Hotel, where Bona Vista Lounge and L.A. Prime is, this corner of Figueroa and 5th street always reminds me of these restaurants. Border Grill though, was always a “must” whenever I passed by, and I can’t tell you […]

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M.B. Post – David LeFevre and his Social House

February 26, 2013

Manhattan Beach might possibly be the best beach in all of Los Angeles. Yeah, Malibu is where it’s at if you are rich and famous, but besides nice cars and huge houses, you aren’t left witch much. I guess Manhattan Beach is unique in that it is a great beach town. With much to see […]

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Holstein’s (Cosmopolitan) – Only on the Outside, Not Inside

February 22, 2013

First of all, I want to start off by saying that the Cosmopolitan is starting to irritate me. Everything that is the Cosmopolitan is now obnoxious and boring. The types of people the property attracts is just garbage — the bottom of the barrel. Don’t get me wrong. The building and architecture and design of […]

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Ciao Deli – Clams on my Pizza Please

February 19, 2013

I came across Ciao Deli when I was in Newport Beach / Costa Mesa. It was late, I was hungry, and nothing was around. I found Ciao Deli online and noticed they had garlic knots, just like the ones at C & O in LA. For the time being, Ciao Deli had to do. Entering […]

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Scarpetta – A Date With the Girlfriend & Scott Connant

February 16, 2013

Scarpetta at the Montage was a night to remember. The food was near perfect and my experience here was a positive one. Who would have thought, as I was making reservations weeks in advance, that I would be meeting Scott Connant on that night? My girlfriend and I were enjoying drinks at the bar as […]

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Nate’s Korner – Breakfast Sandwich for a Burrito Lover

February 15, 2013

Nate’s Korner is small, hidden, and though closer to Irvine than anything, it is in Santa Ana. It’s in the middle of nowhere, and that is what I like about it. It all started with Qwik Korner, a nice little convenience store. They then ventured out next door and made Nate’s Korner. Popular for their […]

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The Penthouse at The Huntley – Lunch on Top and an Elevator Ride Down

February 12, 2013

Having lunch at The Penthouse at The Huntley was a no-brainer. Inside and out, the property is exquisite and fancy. Chic, modern, and clean, the food was almost out shined by the beauty of this property. Typically, I would not choose such a fancy, and such a far place. Fortunately, the Dine LA menu was […]

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Dine Delish Turns 2!

February 9, 2013

Happy Birthday to Dine Delish!! Today, this food blog turns 2 years old! I started this food blog 2 years ago, wth my first post on February 9, 2011. I remember because it was right around the time it was Chinese New Year. Relatively a baby in the food blogging club, the past 2 years […]

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Bouchon Bistro – What Beverly Hills and Thomas Keller Do at the Montage

February 5, 2013

Thomas Keller made an empire for himself. Though it may not have been intentional, the guy is a legend. I was fortunate to be blessed by his presence at last year’s L.A. Time’s The Taste event. Though I wasn’t able to meet him, he did say a simple “hello” to me. Just being in the […]

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The Bazaar by José Andrés – A Spanish Tapas Bar in Beverly Hills

February 1, 2013

The Bazaar by Jose Andres has been on my radar for quite some time. Knowing my best bang for the buck would have been during DineLA, I planned it for a while. One week it was all booked every single day. Another time, DineLA didn’t even have Bazaar. Saddened a little, I was delighted with […]

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Grub – Crack Bacon on Everything

January 30, 2013

Grub in Hollywood is a quaint little house on the corner of Seward and Barton. The once a house turned restaurant is small and has a lot of charm. Even the floor boards creek when you walk on the wooden floors. Mostly popular as a breakfast destination, Grub has ventured in serving dinner for about […]

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Portillo’s Hot Dog – Beef and Sausage, but I Forget the Cheese Sauce

January 27, 2013

The first Portillo’s hot dog stand known as “The Dog House” opened in 1963. The small trailer with dedication from the ownder to serving “the best food” and “the best service” available grew to such an institution today. Having a Portillo’s in the relatively close city of Buena Park, it is always a treat, Probably […]

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Bossa Nova – Sunset’s Brazilian Hot Spot

January 21, 2013

For the longest time, I wanted to eat at Bossa Nova. I always plan on eating there for lunch or dinner, but something else comes up or I go eat somewhere else. Finally, I made it here and the experience was pleasant. The only brazilian food I am used to is the BBQ. Whether it […]

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House of Pies – Los Feliz and Griffith Park have Pies Covered

January 20, 2013

What is cooler? Cake or Pie? I mean, you got the all time favorite birthday cake, and pretty much every “pastry” (scone, donut, brownie, etc.) is all part of the cake family. Pie on the other gets no love. The only place showing them love is Mairie, and all the great diners. When I say […]

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Cravings Buffet (Mirage) – Underrated with a Variety, I’m Stuffed

January 17, 2013

When going to Vegas, some just eat purely at buffets. For some reason, buffets an Las Vegas go hand in hand. They won’t eat at buffets every day when they are at home, but when at Vegas, its buffet after buffet. Hence, they made the Buffet of Buffets, which is a 24 hours pass to […]

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Manhattan Beach Creamery – An Ice Cream Sandwich for a Young Boy

January 13, 2013

I know its Winter, and it’s cold. Typically, you don’t eat cold things in the Winter. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy something sweet. It’s Los Angeles we are talking here — its okay. Entering Manhattan Beach Creamery, I was a kid in a candy store. There was candy on display with every sweet thing […]

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Chapter One: Modern Local – Today’s Take on Classic Cuisine

January 9, 2013

I went to Chapter One: Modern Local late one night. It was a random night where I wanted something good to eat, but not a full blown meal. I didn’t exactly want snack items you would find at a gastropub, and I didn’t want just a Double Double down the street. I guess I was […]

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