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Snack - DineDelish - Page 2


Charlie’s Chili – Newport Beach Boardwalk Chili Fix

May 29, 2011

It’s a bright and sunny day, what is one to do?  For me and many other lucky Southern Californians, it means, going to the beach.  Walking around Newport Beach, I checked out all of the shops and enjoyed my restful afternoon. It was a bit chilly and windy.  What was the solution?  Chili!  Charlie’s Chili […]

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Sonic Drive-In – Rare Sweet Treat for an Angelino

May 11, 2011

Living in the Los Angeles area, I don’t get to enjoy the tasty treats of Sonic Drive-In.  I mean, they pour out commercials on TV.  Well, they used to anyway. I don’t understand why there would be Sonic commercials on locally broadcasted stations, yet, there’s none nearby.  The question of the hour is, Why aren’t […]

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AhnJoo Truck – Food Network Star Cooks Up Korean Grub

April 28, 2011

As a Korean American, I love Korean food.  I ate it growing up, and it gives me a sense of home when I eat it. I was excited that the AhnJoo Truck was going to be at the Santa Anita Food Festival, and it was my first stop. AhnJoo is something of a snack or […]

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Dragon Beard Candy – No Shaving Cream Required

April 6, 2011

Upon reading the post title, you’re probably wondering what the heck this is.  Well, the story is, about 2000 years ago, the Emperor invented the Long Xutang candy.  He got maltose cut into sections and extracted them into fine filaments of thread-like candy and wrapped them together.  At the time, it was only served to […]

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The Bengal Barbecue – Disneyland

March 27, 2011

I can honestly say that it is impossible to have a good meal at Disneyland.  I don’t blame the them — thousands and thousands go there every day.  The truth is, “The Happiest Place on Earth” doesn’t have a decent place to eat.  Well that sucks, if people can’t have a good meal, how can […]

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