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Asian - DineDelish - Page 3


Akasaka – Sushi Spot With Huge Rolls And Huge Bowls

April 29, 2012

Sushi, especially sashimi is my favorite food.  Hands down.  Having the freshest fish, eaten raw is so delicious.  It is buttery, fatty, and dipped in some soy sauce and wasabi is such a perfect match.  Even sushi, rapped in rice is so convenient to eat and a perfect bite of food and flavor.  It is […]

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Brodard Restaurant – Vietnamese Spring Roll Ingredients, Assemble

April 15, 2012

It is not every day you get to eat Vietnamese at a sit down, and it’s not pho.  Usually its spring rolls or a bahn mi sandwich to go, or a nice big hot bowl of pho at a hole in the wall. Brodard in Garden Grove has some of the best Vietnamese food around, […]

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Max Brenner (Caesar’s Palace Forum Shops) – Chocolate Runs Through My Veins

April 1, 2012

Chocolate and chocolate. Chocolate on chocolate on chocolate on chocolate. Chocolate. Everyone loves this stuff. Girls devour it after breakups. Guys say they don’t like chocolate, but secretly love this stuff. I am sure chocolate has some kind of chemical that makes us happy. That is we love it so much. Max Brenner, an Israeli […]

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No. 1 Noodle House – A Trip to a Noodle Shop

March 19, 2012

I was scared to eat at this joint. Hidden between some chicken place and corner store, I was a bit intrigued. Once I entered the place, I was transported into a new world. The small front counter to my front and a dark alley way to my right leading to the dining area was all […]

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Jazz Cat Cafe – Jammin’ Asian Style

March 11, 2012

The San Gabriel Valley has an over population of Asian cuisine. Anything you are in the mood for, or anything you can think of, it’s available for you. At the city of Industry, there is Jazz Cat Cafe. This is a shabu shabu restaurant that has great soup bases along with other popular side items. […]

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Honda Ya Industry – Some Yakitori, Some Sashimi, And Everything In Bewtween

February 8, 2012

I feel like a lot of Japanese restaurants are all the same. Whether they serve sushi, bowls, noodles, or meats, the interior and feel of the restaurant seems similar. The greeting in Japanese, the Japanese accented props and posters all around the restaurants is all familiar, and comforting. Honda Ya doesn’t only have sushi and […]

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Yang Chow – Chinatown’s Very Own Madarin & Szechuan Cuisine

January 20, 2012

When Chinatown comes into a conversation, and the topic of lunch or dinner pops up, you can’t help but thing of Yang Chow. And when you think of Yang Chow, you can’t help but think of Slippery Shrimp. Chinatown can be a scary place to some, but smack dab in the middle of Chinatown on […]

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White Rabbit Truck – Filipino Fusion With The Tastiest 6 Pound Burrito

January 11, 2012

The White Rabbit Truck was a pleasant surprise.  I heard about them a lot online and in the media, so I was excited to try their food.  This truck, a Filipino fusion truck, serves their take on tacos and burritos as well as rice bowls. A fan or Asian fusion with Mexican, I was inclined […]

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Thai Patio – Night Time Chow At Thai Town

December 13, 2011

Where else can you get authentic Thai cuisine other than in Thai Town.  Located near Hollywood, Thai Town in Los Angeles offers some great food.  Thai Patio had some really well prepared Thai food.  Something about the spices in Thai food keeps me wanting more.  This restaurant does it perfectly.  The live music and open […]

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Ocean Star – One Of Many Dim Sum Spots In The SGV

December 2, 2011

Dim sum is Chinese food served in bite size portions.  Kind of like tapas plates, but Chinese food. The interesting part is that it is only served in the mornings and lunch times.  You will see ladies push metal steamer carts around with stacks of yummy deliciousness.  Often times, you will find some interesting (weird […]

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Cha Cha Chili – Korean Tacos And Burritos Test My Patience

November 24, 2011

Gosh Cha Cha Chili.  Why did you do this to me?  You got me so excited, and now I am caught in the middle.  I ordered my food, but you made me wait 30 minutes for 2 tacos and a burrito.  At first you excited me because I got the last of the short rib. […]

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Fluff Ice – Snow In L.A. County, The Eating Kind Anyways

November 23, 2011

Having eaten shaved snow at Class 302 and other restaurants, I was surprised to see a shop dedicated to just shaved snow.  Basically, it is frozen blocks of ice and sweetened milk. They shave it into shreds and put toppings on top.  It’s not really icey, but more of a waterless, creamy frozen shave of […]

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Truck Norris – Not Even Chuck Norris Can Help You

November 23, 2011

Truck Norris, an obvious play on words from Chuck Norris — It is an awesome name for a food truck.  I don’t know what Chuck Norris has to do with food trucks, Filipino Asian fusion even, but I guess it is catchy and epic. Makes you think that Truck Norris can count to infinity twice, […]

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Napa Rose – Wine Country Comes To The Grand California

November 14, 2011

As you may already know, I go to Disneyland more often than I should.  And you probably already know that Disneyland has nothing good to eat.  Seeking something good to eat, I had a chance to eat at Napa Rose, their most expensive restaurant on the property available to the public. They are touted for […]

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Savoy Kitchen – Proper Hainan Chicken Rice At An Italian Joint

November 14, 2011

Hainan chicken — it looks so bland and regular, I didn’t understand it at first.  Knowing that Savoy Kitchen makes a killer Hainan chicken rice, I had to give it a try. But once I got to the restaurant, I was skeptical.  Savoy, which for the most part felt like an Italian restaurant, did not […]

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Hae Jang Chon Korean BBQ – Wait Two Hours To Eat For Two Hours

October 24, 2011

Some days, you have to let loose.  Diets and counting calories don’t matter.  You shut down your hunger sensors and gorge in a all you can eat meat fest.  Koreatown has Korean BBQ restaurant at almost every corner.  One of my favorites is Hae Jang Chon on 6th Street. They offer some good quality meat […]

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Break Of Dawn – Creative Cooking Comforting Us For Breakfast

September 21, 2011

Honestly, this was a unique breakfast. For those who want a normal bacon and eggs with toast breakfast, look elsewhere.  Break of Dawn has good breakfast, but their menu has a creative twist to everything. We had the sausage and rice.  It had Hawaiian sausage, green papaya, scallion puree, and two fried eggs.  It was […]

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85°C Bakery Cafe – Hacienda Heights Won The Lottery

September 1, 2011

Hacienda Heights, I commend you.  You have won the lottery.  Anyone knows the power and might of 85C Bakery in Irvine.  The lines forming and the awesome pastries, amazing!  Put one of these in any city in the San Gabriel Valley, and it will thrive.  With the grand opening of the 2nd 85C Bakery in […]

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85C Bakery Cafe – The Last Pastry That Made It To My Stomach

September 1, 2011

Hearing much rave about 85C Bakery Cafe in Irvine, I had to check it out.  I have been to my share of Asian bakeries, and they are all pretty much the same.  Besides the degree of quality these bakeries have amongst each other, they all work the same way.  You get a tray, pick out […]

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Coco Ichiban Curryhouse – Torrance Meets Japan To Make Currry

August 31, 2011

So who invented curry?  India? Japan? The middle East?  Well, whoever invented it knew what they were doing.  Curry has such a pronounced flavor.  It is familiar, yet exotic. As a Korean American, I ate the Japanese kind a lot growing up.  Those solid blocks of curry, oil, and MSG was sometimes a common staple […]

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